Joonhyuk Park

Ph.D. Student in CSE @ MIP Lab, POSTECH


I am a MS/Ph.D. student in the Medical Information Processing (MIP) lab led by Dr. Won Hwa Kim at POSTECH, South Korea. My research interests are computer vision, machine learning on graphs, and medical imaging. Currently, I am studying Topological Data Analysis (TDA) and their application on graphs.

  • 2015-2021 Bachelor of Science (CSE) @ Handong Global University (HGU), Pohang, South Korea
  • 2022~ MS/PhD (CSE) @ Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, South Korea
  • Research Assistant
    • Image Processing & Intelligent System Lab @ HGU (Dr. Hojoon Kim), 2018-2020
  • Teaching Assistant
    • Computer Architecture, HGU 2018-2,2019,2020
    • Deep Learning, POSTECH 2023-2
Awards & Scholarships
  • Full 4-year National Excellence Scholarship of science and engineering department (2015)
Academic Interests
  • Machine Learning
  • Computer Vision
  • Graph Neural Networks
  • Medical Imaging


May 25, 2023 A paper provisionally accepted to MICCAI 2023 (top ~14%)


  1. hodge_gnn.png
    Convolving directed graph edges via Hodge Laplacian for brain network analysis
    Joonhyuk Park*, Yechan Hwang* , Minjeong Kim , Moo K Chung , Guorong Wu , and Won Hwa Kim
    In International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) , 2023